The Link Between Psoriasis and Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis, a chronic autoimmune condition, manifests as inflammation in joints and skin. Psoriatic arthritis occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and skin lesions. Individuals with a family history of either arthritis or psoriasis are at higher risk, as are those with a weakened immune system or obesity.

Recognizing signs such as joint swelling, redness, or scaly patches on the skin is crucial. If you experience persistent discomfort, difficulty moving, or notice skin changes, it's advisable to seek medical attention promptly. Dr. Mark Fisher in Haddon, Heights, NJ, and serving residents of Haddon Heights, South Jersey, Gloucester County, and Camden County, NJ, a seasoned rheumatologist renowned for treating autoimmune conditions, is an invaluable resource for managing arthritis psoriasis.

Dr. Fisher's compassionate approach and wealth of experience ensure personalized care tailored to individual needs. Whether discussing symptoms, exploring treatment options, or providing ongoing support, Dr. Fisher prioritizes patient well-being. Early intervention helps manage arthritis psoriasis effectively and prevents long-term complications.

The Link Between Psoriasis and Arthritis: Exploring the Connection

Psoriasis and arthritis share a profound connection, often intertwining to create significant challenges for those affected. Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition, manifests as inflamed, scaly patches on the skin. However, for many individuals, the repercussions extend beyond the surface. Approximately 30% of psoriasis patients develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a type of inflammatory arthritis that affects the joints.

This connection is not merely coincidental but stems from a shared autoimmune dysfunction. The immune system, misfiring in both conditions, attacks healthy tissues, causing inflammation. Consequently, PsA can bring about joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, akin to other forms of arthritis.

Understanding this correlation is crucial for effective management. Treatments addressing skin and joint symptoms and using biological drugs aim to quell the autoimmune response of arthritis psoriasis in Haddon Heights, NJ. Lifestyle modifications and physical therapy can mitigate discomfort and enhance the quality of life for those navigating this complex intersection of psoriasis and arthritis.

Visit Dr. Mark Fisher for Arthritis Psoriasis Diagnosis and Treatment

If you're experiencing joint pain, swelling, or skin changes, it's time to see Dr. Mark Fisher for arthritis psoriasis. Don't wait if these symptoms interfere with daily activities or quality of life. Dr. Fisher specializes in managing these conditions with compassion and expertise. Early intervention can prevent further complications and improve your comfort. Whether it's stiffness in the morning or persistent red patches, Dr. Fisher can provide personalized care tailored to your needs.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Together, we can discuss treatments to improve the lives of those affected by arthritis psoriasis in Haddon Heights, NJ, also serving South Jersey, Gloucester County, and Camden County. You can book an appointment with Dr. Mark Fisher by calling our office at (856) 547-8004.